Nov 29, 2012

P2PU... embarking on a new line of education

This week, I'm having a look at P2PU, a peer to peer learning setup from mozilla. I'm not exactly sure just how well it will work, but I'm certainly interested in giving it a whirl.

By way of introduction, my name is Tyler Dockery, and I'm a Design Generalist. I work with graphic, web, and digital media design in addition to signage, environmental design, and teaching. I've been a paid graphic designer since 1995. I've been a paid web designer since 2000. I've been teaching since 2005, and I love it. Its like getting paid to play. I've been married for 11 years and have a bevy of tall, blonde daughters...

I also have adequate firepower and a great deal of land, so don't step out of line boys, if you get my drift.


Dockery Design, Raleigh Web Design