Apr 24, 2009

HELP! MAC OSX zoomed in and will not change!

Your macintosh laptop or desktop computer has zoomed in unexpectedly. You don't know how you did it, and you don't know how to get it back to normal.

While this isn't a new feature really (you could turn zooming on in the Universal Access settings before), the latest systems and updates turn this feature on by default. Not only that, but it assigns zooming a hotkey and links it up with your mouse or laptop trackpad.

To get back to normal, just hold Control (the default hotkey) and move your scroll wheel (or use the two-finger scroll on your trackpad) to zoom in or out.

To keep this option from accidentally coming into play,
  1. Open System Preferences
  2. Select "Universal Access"
  3. Select "Seeing" from the row of buttons across the top
  4. Under "Zoom," click the "On" button

So, what is this option really good for?
Good question.

1) Practicality: Many people like the Mac OS zoom feature better than photoshop's zoom feature (doesn't require the redraw ram) and works smoothly. Its also good for reading small texts, and PDF materials.

2) Security: Step away from your laptop or desktop, and anyone has access to whatever you left open. Using the zoom function, you can zoom in as close as you want, and other users will be flabbergasted at what's happening. 99% of people can't figure out how to fix it, let alone what is going on.

Dockery Design, Raleigh Web Design

Apr 19, 2009

My Notebook

My Notebook

J.K. Rowling's Next Book. No one has claimed this blog. in Dockery Design · 1 hour ago · No authority yet. http://dockerydesign.blogspot.com ...

Tyler Dockery of Dockery Design has recently uploaded a new whitepaper to http://www.dockerydesign.com/resources.html on Privacy Policies for Websites. It outlines how to avoid lawsuits and contains a 1-page Privacy Policy Checklist

Apr 10, 2009

Trajan, Lowercase Version.

What font can I use to simulate a lowercase version of Trajan?


Trajan is a wonderful font, with excellent proportions and graceful letterforms. It is based on Roman type, and the romans had no lower case letters. So what can you do?

Best Choice: La Giaconda by Dave Farey

Other Recommendations:

Perpetua by Eric Gill (found on all PCs)
Weiss by Emil Rudolf Weiss
Schneidler by F.H. Ernst Schneidler

Dockery Design, Raleigh Web Design

Apr 6, 2009

Windows Causes Upside Down Monitor

Question: HELP!! My monitor is displaying upside down! Even after I restart!

Answer: Windows does some things that are great. This is NOT one of them. What are they, you ask? Not now kid, I'm talking.

What did you do wrong? Absolutely nothing. Windows XP and Windows VISTA has an option which is originally set for tablet PCs. This is a feature in Windows XP Tablet PC Edition. Which makes sense. But it looks like Intel copied the keystroke for the same “feature” in their video card drivers. I can’t think of a good reason why anyone would need an always-on keystroke for this on a desktop PC.

When creating a keystroke-mapped feature that only 1% of customers will want to use and the other 99% are going to be confused by, put in a menu option to disable it and have it disabled by default.

Often, this will happen with a mis-key.

The Ctrl-Alt-Direction key sequence is supposed to be used for changing your workspace. On my computer at work it changes the screen orientation.

Ctrl-Alt-Up - right side up
Ctrl-Alt-Right - 90 degrees
Ctrl-Alt-Down - 180 degrees
Ctrl-Alt-Left - 270 degrees

(If that doesn’t work, try Ctrl-Shift-R)

To fix the issue press Ctrl-Alt-Up. To permanently fix the problem go to:

Start >> Control Panel >> Display >> Settings >> Advanced

Where it is after that it dependent upon your video card.

Graphic Design Raleigh